9 Proven Guides to treat Back Pains Without Surgery:Easy Remedies

Michelle and her boyfriend chris both went on a date ,after their romantic date,they both headed for chris's apartment where they spent the whole night making love .
  During the  love making,Michelle  accidentally shove Chris off the bed 'oops'...Chris fractured his back bone;although he got treatment,  he was left with  back pains. 

John -a workaholic, goes to work during the week and weekends. He had little time to take  good care of himself.
At work ,he oftentimes lift heavy objects;This kind of activity brought  severe pains at his lower back each time he bends he thought  it was normal until it worsened and he fixed an appointment with a  therapeutic doctor. 

Sarah often slouches owing to  the amount  of weight she gained this past few months, she bends her back regularly.  It was now part of her.  Recently, she  complains of pain in her back. This was a result  of slouching,excess weight gain and bad posture.

Gracey's parents were old and aged, whenever she goes to visit them.Gracey's dad often made complaints that his arthritis was affecting his back -causing him so much pain.

"Doctor,I really don't know  what is wrong with my body this days,I feel this sharp pain whenever I  try to bend or stretch my hands to get an object up the shelf";Alex lamented to the doctor. 
   "Well Alex you have to start eating  healthy foods and stop smoking so you would get better";said the doctor. 

What do they  all have in common? 
          Well ,they all have " back pain crisis";making things difficult to achieve and therefore  disturbing them  from living  their everyday life's .

In today's article, I will  explain and give guides to causes of back pain, symptoms,remedies and preventions. 

Back pains may occur as a result  of  tissue injuries,torn or pulled muscle or /and ligaments,
Studies shows that these injuries can include damage to the intervertebral discs,improper movement  of the spinal joints and compression of  nerve roots.


Looking  at the beginning of  this article, you would see where I gave different examples and activities that causes back pain.
Back pain can be caused by :

  - occupational / work / daily activities 
  - pregnancy 
  - lifestyle 
  - weight gain / obesity 
  - strenuous workouts or exercise 'at home or the gym'
         "if you start your work out routine  incorrectly; by exempting quality warmups and stretching before your workouts, might result to tissue and muscle injuries "

  -Genetic factors  such as :cancer , oestoporosis and arthritis.
  -Sleeping in an uncomfortable hunched up position. 
  - Bending awkwardly for long periods.
  - Standing or sitting for long periods.
  - straining neck forward  for long periods 
  "When you use your computer for  a long time, when you drive-you often strain your neck".

  - Inflammation 
  - Difficulty in moving body parts
  - swelling on the back
  - persistent increase in back pains
  - Numbness 
  - Transfer of  Stabbing pains down  your knees and feet.
  - Muscle ache
  - Pains that worsen if you  try bending , standing up straight , lifting objects or even when  Walking.

Back pain can happen  to almost  any individual; young and old.  People prone to unhealthy lifestyle, depression appear to have  greater risk of back pain.

Unhealthy  lifestyle like :smoking. Study reveals  that smoking  reduces blood flow to the lower spine which can prevent delivering enough nutrients to the disks in your  back.
Back pain is very much common as you get older ,starting around  the ages of "40 or 50 even 30."
    Extra weight gain puts extra weight on your back which is why doctors recommends that you eat healthy  foods, engage in physical  exercises to help keep track  of your body.


Individuals with back pains are always ready to  check  health magazines, check the Internet for remedies to these problem.
You might be able to avoid  and prevent  it's recurrence by improving your lifestyle, physical conditions and practicing proper body movements. 

'To help keep your back healthy and strong'.

Home remedies for back pain;

  - Beetroot  and ginger
  - Bitter kola
  - Lemon and ginger
  - Massage with oils like: olive oil,
  - Massaging your back and legs with melted shea butter mixed with kerosene.
  You might avoid or prevent the reoccurrence of back pains by improving your physical condition through the following ways; 
Aerobic activities, those ones that don't strain or puts tension on your back- can increase  strength in your back  and allow  worn muscles to heal and  function  better. Brisk walking, swimming and some yoga poses like:  are good choices.

Do talk  to your therapist or doctor about which activities you might try. Exercises for flexibility, build muscle and abdominal strength.

  - Maintaining  a healthy weight.
    "Being overweight or obese strains your back and distorts your posture".so cut out the unhealthy foods and start eating foods richeck in carbs, fibres,proteins and vitamins-staying  hydrated👍.
  - Quit smoking
     Smoking slows down healing process.Talk to your doctor  or therapist  about ways to stop.
  - Use your body properly
     'Avoid movements or activities  that would  strain your back.
    ' Stand smart!Don't  slouch'.
     'Sit smart'
     ' Avoid  lifting  heavy objects' 
      'Keep your back straight : posture. '
(Good posture can reduce the stress on back muscles.)

  NOTE; If you must stand for long periods, place one foot on a low footstool to take some of the load off your lower back. Alternate feet. Good posture can reduce the stress on back muscles.

 Avoid heavy lifting, if possible, but if you must lift something heavy, let your legs do the work. Keep your back straight — no twisting — and bend only at the knees. Hold the load close to your body. Find a partner to assist  you if the object is heavy.

 if you experience severe pains, any numbness or tingling, alongside weakness, pains spreading to your legs/ knees, fever, unexplained weight loss that does not improve with rest after receiving  a few home remedy treatments, and pain relief  drug ; you should  seek medical  help as soon as possible to get diagnosed and treated. 

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